Sunday, March 13, 2016

Appreciating Life

I appreciate life, my life, to be exact. I intentionally do not think about this appreciation too much. If I think about it too much, it will cut into the amount of time that I am enjoying living. It's sort of a small paradox. There are similar paradoxes. I used to go on vacations out to scenic areas with my camera in hand. I went to see the breathtaking vistas but I was often so busy taking photographs that I didn't enjoy the scenery as much as I could have.

Maybe I'm thinking of it incorrectly, this whole appreciation thing. Maybe I'm misinterpreting the concept of appreciation. If a person really enjoys a candy bar, or a movie, or life itself, then perhaps that person is appreciating life even though he or she does not specifically acknowledge the appreciation either verbally or even mentally. Maybe that's what appreciation is.

Anyway, I'm now going to stop and proofread this entry, and if I halfway like it, I'll click on the "Publish" button. It's not that I couldn't write more, it's just that I have other things that I would prefer doing. It kind of gets back to that "appreciation of life" thing and minimizing the amount of overt appreciation I need to express.

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