Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Crystal and Me

I would like to write in this idiotic blog more often but one of the problems is that most of what I would want to say has to do with getting older, being older, or some variation thereof. I have never really wanted to be so narrow in my blog interests and so I have posted relatively infrequently, not that anyone has complained, mind you.

Well, Christmas came about a week ago and I received a book as a gift. It's by Billy Crystal the comedian, actor, and sometime philosopher. I would tell you the name of the book but that would require that I stand and walk about twenty feet, so I will let you find that out for yourself.

I have always been sort of lukewarm on Crystal. He's funny, but in a decidedly Jewish sort of way. As a guy in his 60s, I'm only too familiar with such folks as Sid Caesar and Milton Berle. Also, I'm not much of a reader. I prefer television. But I decided I'd open the book and read a few pages. Anyway, I've got to tell you that about ten pages in, it's not a bad read. What's more, up to page 11 the theme is pretty much about getting old, specifically the downsides, of which there are many.

Not only has the book been a bit comforting in and of itself, but it has convinced me that if I want to write a blog entry concerning the tribulations of aging, I ought to go ahead and write it. Anyway, what I'm saying is that for those who have avoided this blog in the past, the future might give you all the more reason. We'll see.

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