Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fake Blogging

I am going to make a confession; I have a second blog, and no one can ever know its internet location. It has an alias for a author, even a photo of someone else next to the name, a photo stolen randomly from the internet. That blog has about twenty posts and in some ways is closer to being a diary than is this blog. The closest this blog comes to that blog is the specific blog entry where I write about being 14 years old and finding a treasure trove of porn in a trash can. Now, just imagine that being the most docile entry, and you can imagine that other blog. We all think this stuff, I just put it into a blog. However, like everyone else, I won't let anyone know those secrets are inside me.

Not all of the entries are about erotica. It goes about 50/50. I generally lean to being liberal, but some of the blog entries are politically incorrect; too politically incorrect to have my name attached to them. It's not that they would be embarrassing, exactly. It's just that they are kind of personal opinions. Still I want to air out these thoughts, at least a little.

I have several blog entries written by "guest bloggers". One such guest blogger is an attractive, 30-something woman. In her blog commentary she states that all things being equal, she prefers older men. In her blog entry she says that when compared to younger guys, older guys are "more thoughtful in every room of the house, including the bedroom". Unfortunately, for her to appear somewhat realistic, if not sane, her "older guys" are never much over 50. Now well into my 60s, it would appear that I'm gotten too old for my own fantasies.

Now and then I am tempted to tell someone about this second blog, specifically it's internet address. Then I give it a little more thought and good sense takes root and I keep silent. The blog actually has readers, at least according to the view counter. In fact, that guest blogger I mentioned had several dozen readers viewing her confession. I'm not sure if someone came upon that blog entry and sent the link to various friends, or if someone came upon that blog entry and returned to reread it twenty-four times over about a week or so. Either way, I've never had twenty-four views of this blog's entry about my little league career. And that was non-fiction, unfortunately.    

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