Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Want Assisted Living Now (by guest blogger Cecil Tackett)

Cecil Tackett

I’m only 44 years old but I’m looking forward to having assisted living. As soon as possible I’m going to an assisted living facility. But I’m not going to just any assisted living facility. No sir. I’m going to one that has nothing but gorgeous women doing the assisting.

I can picture the place now. It will be great. I’ll have one honey helping me out of bed in the morning, and another bringing me breakfast. Then I think I’ll get a deep massage by some super hot girl named Lola or Amber or Heather. Cripes, I can almost feel her slender fingers now, gently rubbing my back as I lie there limp. Following the massage, I’ll have yet another babe bring me lunch.

If I don’t take an afternoon nap, I’ll have some stunning doll push me around the grounds in a wheelchair. I can walk, but why should I use my legs when a dazzling dame can push me in a wheelchair? And of course I’ll have still another girl bring me dinner. If she is really a knockout, I’ll have her feed me. Yeah, some beautiful woman feeding me pork barbecue and crepe suzettes.

I’m saving the best for last. Sometime in the evening I’m going to have two sweet babes giving me a bath. One will be soaping my body while the other is giving me a shampoo. They will have fun doing it. The girls will do a lot of giggling. I think I’d want yet another girl to towel me off, sprinkle on the talcum powder, and then help me pull on my pajamas.

So yeah, that’s my thoughts on assisted living. If you ask me, it sounds pretty good. But I don’t want to wait until I’m 80 when I can no longer enjoy it. I’m ready to enjoy it now. Maybe this Obamacare can help me out. I’ll have to go to their website.      

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