Sunday, December 22, 2013

Our Never-Ending Pursuit of Women

I’m going to tell any would-be blog reader a simple fact, albeit a largely unrecognized fact; men do almost everything with women in mind. There you have it. Many times it is one woman in the mind of a man, but it is almost always a female of the human species, be it one or many.

I first heard this simple statement of truth as it was spoken by a friend of mine when we were 17 years old, about 45 years ago. We had been drinking malt liquor at the time and the alcohol worked to expose our philosophical sides. When my friend made this pronouncement, I quickly agreed with him. I had come to the same conclusion over the preceding year or two.

The first order of business in the mind of a heterosexual man is to satisfy his survival needs. So the initial priorities are food and shelter. Then comes women. Almost every man alive is capable of procuring one woman or another. The idea is to secure the best woman possible. As far as men are concerned, this involves two general categories that pertain to all women; physical appearance and mental state.

Almost every man prefers a gorgeous woman to a homely one. The man who insists he would choose a Rosanne Arnold over a Natalie Portman is a man who is either blind, crazy, or lying. Generally such men are lying. They are trying to give the appearance of being deep, and complex. Ironically, they are very possibly doing this to impress a pretty woman.        

As far as men are concerned, the second category; a woman’s mental state, would be more a matter of personal choice. There are more than a few men who would prefer a rather unintelligent woman. There are other men who would want the intellectual stimulation of a knowledgeable, creative woman. One thing is certain; the vast majority of men would opt for a woman who is non-hostile. Cooperation in women is also valued by most men.

So, a man’s lot in life is to impress women. When a man has put in a respectable effort and believes he has found the best woman possible for him, he then tries to secure her permanently by proposing marriage. However, even if both parties submit to wedlock, this by no mean ends the man’s desire to impress other women, for the yearning is innate. It will be part of his psyche on into middle age and beyond, albeit at a less intense level. 

I remember many decades ago, seeing my then-recently expired Uncle Monty resting comfortably in his coffin. As stated in his directives; he was dressed in a fine, new suit. I knew which gender he had been thinking of at the time of his post-life clothing selection, and it wasn’t the male gender. Even when there was no longer a breath in his body, Uncle Monty was trying to appeal to women. We men just can’t seem to shut it off.    

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