Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jim Grades God's Work

One of these days I just might die, and if that should happen, my life is going to be judged by God. That’s the story I’ve heard, anyway. Well for right now I’m still alive and on Earth, so I figured while I’m here I might as well judge God’s work. I mean, I’ve been alive for over 60 years and through those years I’ve been looking at stuff, stuff that’s supposedly God’s handiwork. So I figure I’m just as worthy to judge God’s doing as anyone else. So here it goes…

The Universe (excluding planet Earth); God really did a good job with the Universe, generally speaking. There is a fair amount of colors and shapes, and certainly no one can argue that the size is inadequate. Personally, I like all the open space, and the almost infinite distances between things. I think it captures the imagination. I mean, what’s out there? Are there other intelligent beings? See, I like the intrigue. On the other hand, if I had been born a thousand years ago, I would have found that same emptiness of space nothing more than confusing. It would go largely unappreciated. And in another thousand years, the human population of Earth might well wish that everything in space were closer together. As it is, mankind’s residence will likely always be on Earth, and in a thousand years the Earth might not be big enough. But for today, the present time, the Universe seems to be a fascinating place. I’m going to give God a B+ grade on it.

Planet Earth; I’m slightly disappointed with God when it comes to his work making this planet. I think he could have been more imaginative. For an example, I don’t like all the foliage to be green. I know that plants need green chlorophyll for photosynthesis, but I’m talking about God here, a guy who can do anything. I think chlorophyll should have come in an array of colors. Why didn’t He make the sycamore leaf violet and the oak leaf white? How about a deep blue maple? See? God just didn’t think it through. I don’t know, maybe he was in a hurry to get it done.

Most of God’s animals get a passing grade for design and for general environmental utility. But I don’t quite get what the thinking was behind the creation of the mouse or his big brother, the rat. I like God’s idea of fur, but scales don’t do a lot for me. There are huge swimming animals, such as the whale and some species of shark, but there aren’t any colossal birds. I think God missed the boat on that one. If I were God I would have made a couple of species of gigantic birds. Yeah, if I were God there would be a couple of varieties of bird the size of a 1958 Oldsmobile. Anyway, all told, I’m giving God a C+ grade when it comes to planet Earth.

Humans; Okay, according to some people, all of God’s work was done with humans in mind. So I’m going to put Human Beings, i.e., homo sapiens, into their own category. And as for humans, I like what God has done, generally. There is evidence of true cleverness in a number of places. He has made mankind almost perfectly imperfect, if such a thing is possible. For example; there’s something very calculating about a species that has the intellect to destroy all life on Earth, and the ignorance to possibly do it. I see some gloriously dark humor there. It’s almost devious. And who wouldn’t appreciate the scheming behind the concept of various colors and races within the human species? Us humans still haven’t figure out how to deal with that. Yet, when it comes right down to it, usually the act of one person is helpful to some other person, or at least it does him no harm. So mankind is basically a positive entity. But the answer to the supreme test will not be known for perhaps hundreds of years, and the test has one question; can man survive his own actions? Can mankind survive mankind?

As for the physical structure of the human species, God has done a good but not great job. He has given us the intelligence to develop medicines that allow us to survive far beyond the expiration date of our bodies. Personally, I think that was a miscalculation on God’s part. I mean, unlike the social puzzle that comes from man’s racial problems, old age just causes pain and debilitation to individuals. On a positive note, God did make sex a highly enjoyable experience, at least highly enjoyable most of the time. What if the act needed for the male’s half of reproduction was no more stimulating than spitting saliva, and the female half was like... ? Anyway, I’ve got to give God kudos for that little piece of genius. But overall, when it comes to God’s handiwork, and the human species, I’m giving him a B grade. Good, but not outstanding.

So taking all categories into account, I’m giving God an overall grade of B. That’s not bad. If I were God, I’d be happy with that. I mean, it was a big job. No one could have done it perfectly. Truth is; I hope when my day of judgment comes, He grades me as high. Heck, I'd settle for a C+.

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